Play copyright registration

Joanie's objections to the play.  Pat Sullivan, despite repeated requests, refused to communicate with me.

My rebuttal to Joan:

I copied her several letters between Clark and Boudin:

I copied her from Spitz' Dylan book (Dylan:  A Biography):

I copied her CF's letter to Hentoff where CF calls Geno's suit "a costume."  Hentoff had written a piece in the New Yorker a year after the Dylan ECLC debacle, which reopened old wounds and led CF to ask for a makegood concert by Dylan.

Finally I copied her the final section of CF's FBI file where he calls himself "a German" and Joan's husband (a German) is specifically identified by the FBI.

This is from Martha Potter, Edith Tiger's daughter, whom I met at Tiger's memorial service on Brooklyn.

My reply to her:

From Shelagh:

To Shelagh:

Shelagh confirming Tiger's assertion that CF always kept black servants.

Requesting permission to quote from Shelton's Dylan book and affirmative reply:

Permission to use Jay Gorney's song:

From Virginia Durr's book, the "Howell yard child story," referenced in CF's letter to Trot.

Bernie Gersten, long time head of Lincoln Center, feared being fired as a stage manager at Stratford because of his HUAC testimony (as Papp had been fired from CBS), but he was not fired.

Geno's FBI file was so "redacted" (censored) that it was almost useless.  A guy Geno had met named Phillip Luce and whom Geno got a job at ECLC was an FBI spy.  I was certain that most of the redacted stuff came from Luce, so I tracked down his death certificate and sent it to the FBI as part of a formal complaint.  But they refused to un-redact.

A few year later I was reading this 1922 play and came across what could have been CF's lynching

For a master index of all of Bob Foreman's photo-essays, click here.

Bob Foreman Feb. 14, 2016