In 1950, their television outlet WCON-TV channel 8 (later WLW-A, channel 11) went on the air. But by then, Cox of Ohio, which had in 1939 purchased the Atlanta Journal, gobbled the Constitution as well, forced them to abandon the new facility, and sold WCON. Thus ended home-owned Atlanta print media for good.
In 1947, the Constitution's publisher was Major Clark Howell, whose father Clark, Sr. and grandfather Evan P. had preceeded him. Evan had purchased the failing Constitution at the end of Reconstruction in 1868, hired Henry Grady and Joel Chandler "Uncle Remus" Chandler and put the paper on the national map. In 1947, Ralph McGill was editor, and the paper's Creed on page 2 illustrates the independence of the paper from the Yankees. This too would end in 1950.
A 2012 photograph of the former Constitution building.
For a master index of all of Bob Foreman's photo-essays, click here.
August, 2012